After a slew of 7“s released in the UK, US and their home country, Hamburg, Germany’s Tripping The Light Fantastic finally deliver a strong debut album that hearkens to the ’80s in its retro sound.
For the most part, this somewhat eponymous release nods to General Public and The Jam with catchy melodies and power pop riffs, though The Alarm can be heard in “Lover Not A Fighter” and “Pristine And Mean” bares shades of Echo & the Bunnymen and REM. “Fire On The Lake” recalls early INXS, while “Can’t Treat Me Right” stands out for being pure honky-tonk rock’n‘roll. These multiple moods most likely derive from each of the five to seven coed members taking turns at the mic to make TTLF their band for a few minutes.
Much more than mere ’80s imitators, Tripping the Light Fantastic also appeal on a jangle pop level for those seeking to escape this pervading winter. May they usher in the long overdue spring.