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Song Premiere: "Geiger Counter" by Liar, Flower

Liar, Flower
29 April 2020

Liar, Flower – Photo courtesy of Liar, Flower

The inimitable and always mesmerizing Katiejane Garside is back, along with her musical and life partner Chris Whittingham, as the enigmatic entity known as Liar, Flower – an off-shoot of their Ruby Throat iteration.

Garside has built up a fervently devoted fan following over the years, first as the frontperson of ‘90s noise rock band Daisy Chainsaw (which scored a hit with the romping and melodic “Love Your Money”), and then in potent alternative rock act QueenAdreena.

A solo career in a multitude of artistic formats followed (or occurred in tandem with QueenAdreena’s run), and then the unique alchemy between Garside and Whittingham produced the alt-folk noir duo Ruby Throat.

Now Garside and Whittingham, under the generous auspices of One Little Indian, are releasing a new album as Liar, Flower.

Titled Geiger Counter, and arriving May 1st, the LP is a bold and varied mix of striking and gritty rock songs, delicate and dreamily captivating reveries, spooky Gothic blues narratives, and disorienting psych(e)-outs.

Big Takeover extremely pleased to host the premiere of the album’s compelling, acoustic folk-steeped title track. “Geiger Counter” begins as a reflective reverie, focusing on Garside’s airily diaphanous and wavering vocals, and the light, starry strums on her auto-harp.

Garside’s musings soon change to a fervently charged plea, however, and she cries out continually, extending the word “sky” into a plaintive mantra, ringing out like a clarion call to the heavens. She pushes her voice to the limit as if striving to break free from the confinement of her corporeal form and mix with the natural elements.

“Geiger Counter” also registers a change in its atmosphere, taking an ominous turn as ponderous piano notes, burgeoning guitar reverberations, and slowly sawing orchestral strings wrest control from the Garside’s auto-harp.

The music Garside and Whittingham create is always totally transfixing and “Geiger Counter” is a prime example of this.

Katiejane Garside of Liar, Flower

The uber-DIY and creative pair split their time land-bound in the UK and roaming the oceans on their small boat. They’ve traveled the world, are raising their family, and crafting spellbinding music that is awash in their nomadic experiences.

So set sail with this musically adventurous duo. New and exciting music awaits at your destination.

Official News from Liar, Flower mail-out:

“dear friends
we are sending love and hope everyone is ok
in these luminously uncertain times
it seems that liar, flower ‘geiger counter’ will step out into the world
she asked that of us so that is what we shall do
i found her one day in a notebook, she spoke of a new chapter and the dropping away of tenure
she likes to make noise
this record was conceived and collected through a year of submersive meditation, trance and improvisation, insisted by my bird bones insisting, i went down deep into the soil, set alight corrupt files and malware, something needed routing out taking me ever deeper
there is a prescience to this record that we are not entirely sure what to do with
the words are too big, they vanquish, swallow up, this is why
i use so many words to say ‘i will not speak’
so here is an offering of music as we skate the frozen lake of unknowing…the sun and the wild wind
alien fingers typing alien phone
i love you bright heart, i love you

we are as you know in the most literal sense a small cottage industry and were hoping to release our liar, flower ‘geiger counter’ record in early march this year…before we lost access to our beloved printers…thankfully One Little Indian have kindly offered to help us with this release and have been generous enough to give us all proceeds from the initial limited edition run…this income covers us for the next year up to the release of the next record…we survive and are able to do what we do solely by the support of our supporters, we live hand to mouth making music, year by year…

so today, monday 20th April 2020 we release:

liar, flower ‘geiger counter’ limited edition double vinyl (500 copies) on presale, including an immediate (as in today) digital download (flac/mp4) on purchase, two extra songs on the d side, two signed 12”/12” framable prints, limited edition cd in glassine envelope, pressed flower in glassine and a 12”/12” comic artwork book, all held in a clear vinyl sleeve (delivery approximately 4-6 weeks) available here: One Little Indian

and in the light of wanting as many people to hear the record as possible a direct digital only download is also available right now from One Little Indian’s website: One Little Indian

for those facing financial uncertainty we’ve arranged to release the complete record on the 1st may 2020 on all the usual streaming services so…if you’re unable to support us by buying the album we’d love you to show your support by streaming this record…

we’re very thankful to One Little Indian for stepping up at the last minute to help us make this album available in as many ways as possible

so with that all said i do suggest we go to the music, we go to the sky
ever with love”

Purchase Geiger Counter (limited edition or digital download) at One Little Indian
