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The Big Takeover Issue #94
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The Magic Lightnin' Boys - Stealin' Thunder (Bottled Lightnin')

19 April 2016

Hailing from Cincinnati, Ohio, The Magic Lightnin’ Boys are getting ready to release a new album, Stealin’ Thunder. The record is a gritty mix of garage & Southern rock, and the blues—a rawer take on the sound exemplified by acts like The Black Keys. Replete with distorted vocals, screaming slide guitar, and howling harmonica, the band comes across as purer and more authentic than the hoards of other bands that try to replicate this sound and fail. Whereas many acts sound more modern and punk, songs like “April Rain” are distinctly 70’s inspired.

This isn’t straightforward Southern rock, however, because there are influences of soul, jazz, and even touches of psychedelica on songs including “Fear & Freedom” and “Roll;” giving the whole album an extremely eclectic feel. A handful of instrumentals—“The Cleansing” and “Before The Storm” to name two—round out the album concisely, instead of coming across as padded filler. Rather than ending quietly with an acoustic whimper, the band goes out with a bang on “N2U,” arguably one of the hardest and toughest songs on the album. It’s pure, unadulterated blues. Stealin’ Thunder is out May 6th on Bottled Lightnin’ Records.