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This week's "Big Takeover on Breakthru Radio" show: new Bob Mould, Muffs, Morrissey, Close Lobsters, old 1977 live Devo, and more!

9 June 2014

Once again, for those who greatly enjoy our Big Takeover Magazine print issues and this site (I hope that means you!), you might enjoy my weekly radio show too (new show every Monday), as I play a ton of stuff that is covered in our pages and here as well, both old and new:

This week’s show after a short 1972 Cheech and Chong impression: Bob Mould (new), Omi Palone, Soft Science, The Muffs (new), Devo (live 1977), Cheatahs, +/- (Plus/Minus), Sad Lovers & Giants, Allah-Las, Morrissey (new), Close Lobsters (new), Dot Dash (Live “Rabid Session” at Pancake Factory Studios), Guided By Voices (new), The New Mendicants, Eagulls, Daydream Machine, Nothing, The History of Colour TV, and The Sensible Grey Cells. Why not check it out? You might like it!

No super oldies for you this week, but that Devo track is live from Max’s Kansas City in New York in 1977, a place I loved with every inch of my bones when i was going there 1979-1981, so I was particularly glad to hear that release (I think Devo was peaking then, too). Every live record I have from there is as exciting as it was going there. The place just had a real live pulse.

Also, as I remind in this space every week (‘cause I think it’s important to reiterate), iif you want to hear any of my previous shows, you can go to my page on the site, and all 309 previous shows (and our several “Rabid Sessions show” can be heard at your leisure there as well!) Many hours of fine music, since we never repeat the same song twice!

Enjoy, ladies and big boys!