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The Big Takeover Issue #94
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David Kilgour and the Heavy 8s – Left By Soft (Merge)

David Kilgour Left By Soft
20 April 2011

One of the progenitors of the massively influential New Zealand rock scene, David Kilgour is best known as one-third of the pioneering indie pop trio the Clean. But he’s long maintained a solo career in between Clean reunion records, the highlights of which – dare it be said – equal, if not surpass, those of his alma mater. Left By Soft is a case in point. Recording quickly and simply, Kilgour and his band don’t mess about trying to be innovative or genre-bending – they simply get on with the business of making great guitar pop. Waxing jangly on “Steel Arrow” and “I’ll Climb Back Up That Hill,” psychedelic on “A Break in the Weather” and “Autumn Sun,” sedate on “Theme” and the lovely “Pop Song,” Kilgour molds his plainspoken vocals, memorable melodies and skilled guitar work into near-perfect pop sculptures that bespeak the confidence of maturity and the devotion of true love. The mellifluous, melancholy “Diamond Mine” would make even the Feelies jealous. If you’re looking for a new sound, this record isn’t it. But if you want a bright new coat of paint on a classic style, Left By Soft has been sent to you from heaven.