Kobe, Japan’s Gutara Kyo explode with an impressive blast of early ’80s-style hardcore, reminding us that there’s more to the Land of the Rising Sun than noise.
Play your Teengenerate LPs at 45 rpm and you’ll come close to Gutara Kyo‘s ferocity. The guitar trebles between the early Code of Honor San Francisco thrash sound and Big Boys attack, while the vocals possess an insistent gusto akin to the latter’s frontman, Randy “Biscuit” Turner. You could sneak a track or two onto a tape you dubbed of the Not So Quiet on the Western Front compilation (Alternative Tentacles, 1982) and nobody would notice.
With nine songs in fifteen minutes, you know what you’re in for. Or maybe you don’t, in which case you should meaning pick up Gutara Kyo and find out what you’ve been missing.