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Brooklyn-via-Atlanta-via-Pennsylvania married folk duo, Mark Rogers (The Loom, Myssouri) and Mary Byrne (Hot Young Priest), delivers an intimate debut that is deceptively dark beneath the acoustic lyricism.
I Line My Days Along Your Weight emphasizes solid musicianship and memorable Americana melodies, yet, below the surface, a current of melancholy runs through the songs. Backed by stark, at times droning, finger-picking, Mary’s lyrics evoke the defiant desperation of early Liz Phair combined with Arthur Lee’s penchant for metaphorical negativity, every song glimpsing at pain, longing and memories. Mark perfectly accompanies his wife with poetic passages on his stringed instrument of choice, be it mandolin, lap steel or even electric guitar. Occasionally, the two even encroach on dreampop territory with memorable, catchy, ethereal phrases that would work equally well in a wall of fuzz. It’s a striking display of passion between two lovers whose love for their craft produces brilliant music.
Mark Rogers and Mary Byrne have plenty of experience under their belts as individuals, which makes their first release together all the more rich and flavorful. Step out of your apartment and into the pine barrens at sunset, where beauty and danger dance ever so softly within the breeze.