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The Big Takeover Issue #94
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Old Californio – Sundrunk Angels (Californio)

Old Californio Sundrunk Angels
25 June 2011

Westering Again, the debut LP by Old Californio, set a course straight for orthodoxy, as if channeling a decade of No Depression through its members’ six-strings and guitar amps. The follow-up Sundrunk Angels follows suit, with few surprises but plenty of pleasures. Equally comfortable with rocking roll, folk ramble and country snap, the quintet has its style down well enough that it can concentrate on songs, from the peppy “Better Yet” and “Come Tomorrow” to the more languid title track. The band stretches out more on this record, letting “Just a Matter of Time,” “A Cool Place in the Light” and “Jewels and the Dross” cruise past the five- and six-minute marks. It’s not unfocused jamming, however – just letting the tunes breathe. Old Californio won’t win any prizes for innovation, but when the songs are as good as these, keeping the faith is enough.