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The Big Takeover Issue #94
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Pure Reason Revolution – Hammer and Anvil (Superball)

Pure Reason Revolution Hammer & Anvil
10 December 2010

The Dark Third, the debut album by Pure Reason Revolution, was a stunning debut full of promise, very much in the vein of the post-Porcupine Tree world of progressive rock that emphasizes texture, mood and melody over technical accomplishment. By the second album Amor Vincit Omnia (which never got a U.S. release), the British band had shorn some members and taken a more electronic turn; the latter trend continues on Hammer and Anvil. Mind you, this isn’t a dance or ambient album – the electronica forms more of a pulse behind the otherwise rocking music, giving the songs a driving groove. The quartet’s first-album facility with soaring melodies and dramatic dynamics remains intact, even as its instrumental arrangements have been stripped down. (The vocal harmonies, however, are as intricate as ever.) Despite simpler structures and a more straightforward approach, it takes a few listens for tunes like “Armistice,” “Open Insurrection” and “Patriarch” to sink in – there’s nothing here as immediately striking as PRR’s earlier work. That doesn’t mean the record isn’t worthwhile, but it may take older fans some time to accept the big-beat drumming on “Never Divide” or the electropop melody of “Black Mourning.” Patience is a virtue, though, as the music’s hooks and passion shine through no matter what approach the band takes.