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The Big Takeover Issue #94
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Throwing Muses - Purgatory/Paradise 2xLP (HHBTM)

Throwing Muses Purgatory Paradise HHBTM
1 December 2014

A whole year after its initial release as book and CD, Throwing Muses’ epic ninth studio album finally sees a proper vinyl release.

While not as extensively packaged as the CD, this LP version of Purgatory/Paradise serves as an exquisite companion to it for those who prefer their music on 12” plastic rather than compact discs. Musically, it’s a monumental work of art. Kristin Hersh’s sandpaper-y sweet vocals unfold visceral memories of betrayal and aggravation, perfectly complimenting her sneering guitar tone while bassist Bernard Georges and drummer David Narcizo remain obstructively complimentary, allowing her songs the necessary room to breathe. Minute-long tracks carry the captivating quality of the longer compositions, bending time so that their short length goes completely unnoticed. But, you know this already because you bought it when it came out last year, right?

The multiple layers of Purgatory/Paradise demand multiple listens in multiple formats – it’s just that massive. Experience it on vinyl and hear all the passionate, anguished beauty of Throwing Muses in a different light.