In an odd twist of events, the Killed By Death compilations have inspired a new generation of punk rockers who refer to their music as “KBD punk.” Rather than ape the ’80s hardcore that the kids worship, these bands slow down a bit and add a pop sensibility to their songs in tribute to the great forgotten bands documented on those classic bootleg collections so many years ago. Italy’s Transex embrace this scene with a fury, releasing four songs that could have been recorded 25 years ago, had the band existed then.
“Cops Are Gays” opens with a catchy hook that recalls England in the late ’70s, a perfect predecessor to the stellar cover of The Cortinas‘ “Fascist Dictator.” Side B ups the ante with “Gotta Go,” an excellent composition that blends the best elements of The Buzzcocks with Slaughter and the Dogs. “Red Brigades” closes, a seemingly cheeky nod to the multitude of songs written with that name set to an insistent Wire-ish vibe.
This third record from Transex is the first from Southern Italy’s, White Zoo Records – a strong debut from a label devoted to bringing us the best Italian KBD punk. The hot pink vinyl is only a bonus.