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The Big Takeover Issue #94
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Chuck Foster: May 1, 2011

Recent Review Favorites

Here are my favorite tracks from the items I’ve reviewed over the past week on this website. The artists are in the order I reviewed them, with the songs in my order of preference (except when entire albums are listed as all the tracks are deemed equal).

  1. The Barbarellatones – “She Mates, She Kills!,” “Confessions of a Teenage Prostitute” & “Dean Mans Curve”

  2. The Barbarellatones – “Sperm Whale,” “Endless Journey” & “Mommy’s Gone Insane”

  3. The Barbarellatones – “Bad Vibes,” “Methlab” & “Do the Tranny Trot!”

  4. The Barbarellatones – “Song for Siddhartha,” “We’re Breaking Up” & “Thick And Thin”

  5. The Barbarellatones – “Twiggy Stardust” & “Transvestobilly Boogie”

  6. +DOG+ – “Capitalist Pigs Steal My Money” & “Fivefivesixholes”

  7. +DOG+ – “There’s a Lot of Suffering” & “‘The Dead Will Kill the Living’”

  8. +DOG+ – “Hopefully Hoping” & “Lucky”

  9. +DOG+ – “The Effing Blues” & “Literal Tears of Happiness”

  10. +DOG+ – “Fairbanks School Hearing Test 1970,” “Lung Machine” & “Jack’s Maverick”