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The Big Takeover Issue #94

Indie Cindy

I first started reviewing music in 2012 after coming across unsigned bands on Myspace and was amazed just how much talent was out there. During a technical age where we interact with music digitally, I think it’s important to see what new music is out there, and not lose sight of any changing trends. I also write about artists who are signed, as music is my biggest passion. Growing up in Manchester, England I have enjoyed a busy social life going to gigs and experienced first hand the power of music and how its influences can spread across the globe.

Jenn Vix

Interview: Jenn Vix

19 February 2022

A purveyor of post-punk, electronic rock, trip-hop, industrial and new-wave rock, Jenn Vix is an artist who throws herself whole-heartedly in to her music, whilst creating an atmospheric backdrop of brooding emotion.