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The Big Takeover Issue #94
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Video Premiere: "Rock Candy" by Howardian

13 January 2020

Ian Vanek of Howardian – Photo Credit: Tudor Vasilescu

Howardian is a punk rock/art rock group fronted by Ian Vanek (ex-Japanther) that was established in 1994. They have released a slew of EPs and their forthcoming record, Are You A Frienda Brenda?, is their 7th LP.

Howardian uses a wide line-up of killer musicians, an array of synth melodies, analog drums, and super-sized bass lines to stir up an authentic, soulful atmosphere. Thoughtful lyrics are delivered in a unique manner while surfy drums pound under the warm wall of sound.

At times, songs be thick with technical poly rhythms, or they may have sticky, piano-driven melodies and sly lyrics. Howardian’s tracks feature fuzzy, distorted, and swirling ambiance, and plenty of samples, all while radiating a scuzzy, garage-rock vibe.

The Big Takeover is pleased to host the video premiere of “Rock Candy” a sharp cut from the upcoming album. “Rock Candy” is a tuneful, propulsive number, jumping with bashed drums and cymbals and ringing out with resounding guitar lines. Vanek sing-talks in a direct,but jaunty style, rushing through his lyrics with casual aplomb, rolling his R’s with an emphatic arch of the figurative eyebrow.

The performance video itself, flashes with bright primary colors, blood red and deep blue, with Vanek, drumsticks in hands, beats the air with their movement (any drum below can’t be seen). He’s enveloped in dark shadows as the screen splits in two at times, featuring double the Vanek.

As the song breaks out with a smoother section near its end, the video also changes, with Vanek lounging around in neon colored sunglasses and sneakers. This brief interlude doesn’t last long and and the song/video soon slips back into its restless, but upbeat mode.

Pre-Order Are You A Frienda Brenda?
