There is a wonderful mix of wide-eyed, childlike wonder and the hopes and ambitions of cutting-edge science running through Circuit 3’s latest single. It is a song clearly in love with the potential of space travel but rather than fill the lyrics with the sort of clever wordplay and technical details that the more proggy or rock fraternity would weigh it down with, instead there is a mixture of B-movie simplicity and young innocence to the song.
And driving it is a wonderfully future-retro sound, both tipping its hat to the early pioneers of synth-pop past and joining their hopes for what the future might bring.
The two together make for a wonderfully clean, brilliantly spacious, and epically groovesome effect. Synths bubble buoyantly, shimmer and shine, zip past and belt out brooding bass lines, the dance, and drive, dip and dive, and add meaningful motifs and beguiling sounds. Who says that synthesizer music is one-dimensional. On the basis of “Future Radio” works in at least three dimensions, perhaps seven, maybe even twelve. It’s all very quantum!
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