Having already made a name for himself by making gorgeous, delicate, and understated records, with his latest single, “Everything Must Change”, Rich Jacques seems to have made his most gorgeous, delicate, and understated record by far. You could say that it is peak Jacques! It is so delicate that it falls into the realms of gossamer, so beautiful it is beguiling, so deft and minimal that you can see right through it, so warm, so welcoming, so well done. Even with the benchmarks that he has already set himself, this is an incredible song.
It comes as part of an EP of the same name, a series of songs that document the artist’s new-found quest for who he really is, an odyssey that saw him traveling the globe in nomadic and free-spirited style. And if the previous single “Montecito” marks the point of departure for this new EP then this single pretty much sums up the vibe and attitude which surround both the music found within it and the journey, physical and spiritual, that it is based on.
Too many artists throw everything that they can think of at the musical space that they are given to work in. The real charm of Rich Jacques’ music, and something that he really excels at with this single, is the fact that he seems to be merely harnessing and cocooning the sound of the world around us, rather than adding to it. Here, sweet and near-silent sonic bubbles gentle capture and corral atmospheres and drifting dreamscapes, the lines and hues Jacques paints seeming only to direct and draw these existing sounds together.
Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous. Need I say more?
Everything Music Change EP order
New Design video
Can You See It video