Come aboard this boot-blowing getaway to the 20th century captained by a joyfully un-precise trio from Leeds that rocks and rolls through the sordid sounds of surf, rockabilly, doo-wop, punk, and more with force and fun.
Indeed, diversity is a major strength of Love, Blood & Monsters, the trio’s full-length follow-up to 2015’s Out for Blood. Tough, cool instrumentals can be found throughout, including the album-opening “Terrordactyl,” “Death Race 2000” and “Fiji Mermaid.” The title of another, more jangly, instro belies its almost sweetness: “The Devil’s Cum Rag Part 2.” It follows “When You Gonna Do It,” a gorgeous, Stiff-Records-goes-to-the-skating-rink duet with guest vocalist Harriet Hyde. Meanwhile, it’s likely you might think of Buddy Holly and Crickets on the equally weird and wonderful songs “Morticia” and “Reincarnation.”
The trio caveman’s it up a little more on “Getalong Gang” and the under 30 seconds “Goodnight Little Vampire.” Their inner maniacs break free on the distorted and damaged “Demiurge,” and the moody “Nina Noelle” concludes the affair by imagining Santo & Johnny playing Twin Peaks.
All over the place, yeah, and all kinds of kicks to be had.