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The Big Takeover Issue #94
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Biscuit Shrine - Between The Real (self-released)

6 December 2023

We knew this was coming. We knew something this good was on the way. Earlier single, “That Was Then,” which also opens up the album, warned us via a weave of post-rock intricacies and ambient understatements, instrumental suppleness and eloquent sonic subtleties, explosive moments, and raw, passionate energy. But none of us thought the album would be quite this good. (Myself included, and for that, I can only apologize.) Oh, ye of little faith.

Between The Real is a gorgeous album, and Ryder Cohen Lush aka Biscuit Shrine should be proud of these seven instrumental tracks. If that opening number shows us his ability to turn spacious minimalism into intense and explosive sonic uplifts, then songs such as “Lisp” prove he is also good at slow-burning restraint. “Denmark” ebbs and flows between squalling howls and almost imperceptible distant thunder, “Map The Days” is chiming and meandering, charming and melodic, and “Ian Discontinuum” is drifting and hazy, less a song and more a windswept collection of floating melodies and shimmering guitars

It is a gorgeous album; I know I overuse that word, but it is perfect to describe what is happening here. Gorgeous, yes, but also understated when it wants to be, cavernous and impactful when it needs to make a point, somehow both untethered and drifting yet beat-driven and structured; well, relatively speaking, this is, after all, post-rock, we are dealing with here.

And do you want to know the best part of it all? Lush is only 16! So, if he is making albums this startling at such a tender age, imagine what he might be doing in five, ten, twenty years. The future is looking bright. The future is looking Lush!