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The Big Takeover Issue #94
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Dog In A Man Suit - My Heart's In The Palm Of Your Hand (Collinwood Records)

5 January 2024

Man, I love everything about this, and for so many different reasons. Let’s start with the band name – weird, musically unguessable, running outside current band name fads and fashions. That’s one point right there. The fact that they are a three-piece, arguably the perfect format for rock and roll. And then you come to the music. Yes, we have heard music like this before, not for a while and, not done with this much conviction and rarely delivered this well.

“My Heart’s In The Palm Of Your Hand” is a sonic salvo drawn from the collision point where melodic punk grooves, post-punk authenticity, and no small amount of pop awareness all meet. But it is the baggage that they avoid from those genres as much as what they embrace that makes this work.

Dog In A Man Suit captures the punk swagger without being falling into its cliches. They embrace post-punk creativity without being pulled into its often earnest and hard-nosed aloofness. And it is the sheer addictive qualities of pop that go into the mix rather than the lowest sonic common denominator of mainstream attraction.

It is also a song that we can all relate to; sadly, as I write this, a bit too much actually, but we’ve all been there, those times when we realize that perhaps love doesn’t conquer all and that maybe staying slightly isolated from the false glamour of the real world, at least to some degree, makes for a less painful existence.

This New Jersey three-piece has been a real breath of fresh air at the start of my writing day; everyone needs a bit of this in their lives. After all, as they say, a Dog, especially one in an In A Man Suit, is man’s best friend. Or something.
