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The Big Takeover Issue #94
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French Mothers - The TV's Snowing (Vandalism Begins At Home Records)

15 August 2024

Just through the use of busy, bustling drum beats propelling more poised and shimmering guitar riffs French Mothers set up an interesting dynamic on their latest single, “The TV’s Snowing.” It seems to say we can be big and loud when we want to, but we have more subtle and exciting sonics we want to play with. Something borne out by the fact that the verse-to-chorus transitions are less the expected musical lift of pop tradition and more an exercise in lateral sonic creativity, not so much a step up, more a step elsewhere.

As the song makes its way toward the finish line, it slowly cocoons itself in additional tones and textures, creating a gradually rising, slow-burning sonic weight, eventually burying itself in squalling walls of guitars and swathes of atmospheric noise. But not before it has explored and indulged in some sumptuous and supple musical combinations.

This is indie music, but indie music that has been thought about, not necessarily something that you always get in a scene more often populated with mindless, landfill options rather than discerning creativity, such as we find here. Or, to echo the band’s own preferred tag, post-indie. Yes, why not?

“Lovely Day To Die,” its sonic traveling companion, is a more straightforward song, but again, it is anything but run of the mill. It is an eclectic juxtaposition of elements such as melancholy and anthemics, groove, and grandeur.

What a superb brace of songs! I haven’t been this excited about the future of indie music since I encountered The DMA’s. And if they set a high benchmark in what the genre can be, French Mothers have demonstrably accepted the challenge.
