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The Big Takeover Issue #94
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Harold Payne - The Song That Saved The World (self-released)

1 October 2024

The title of this latest single from Harold Payne might sound as if it could be something akin to Tenacious D’s tongue-in-cheek “Tribute” or a parody dreamt up by Weird Al himself, but it is actually something much more purposeful, poignant, and powerful than those jokey songs. There is nothing wrong with having fun with music; laughter, after all, does make the world go around, but “The Song That Saved The World” is a more enlightened beast.

Despite its grand title, its purpose is simple: a celebration of the power of music. And lyrically, something clever is going on here. Although it describes people dancing and rocking out, grooving and enjoying the titular song, it never says what that song is. And that is because “The Song That Saved The World” is different for everyone; the unifying factor is that we all have music that we deem to be that precious, music that might have got us through hard times, songs that we hold in our hearts and which we turn too when times are tough. Those are the songs that can save us as individuals and so, collectively, save the world.

Musically, “The Song That Saved The World” feels like it was born earlier. I don’t mean to suggest that it is plagiaristic or plundered. Rather, it has an idealism and healthy optimism that we seem to have lost somewhere along the way. Thanks to Harold Payne, hope seems to be back on the menu!
