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The Big Takeover Issue #94
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heavy on the heart - Catch Me If I Fall (Riffsville Records)

27 October 2023

What if you had the chance to whisper in your younger self’s ear? Would you soothe them with the promise that it all works out eventually, or would you let them navigate the maze of life, forging their own path toward destiny’s door? This is the core essence behind heavy on the heart’s latest single.

The lyrics paint a vivid picture of an adult, restless at night, flipping through their old diaries, tracing the steps of their past, and unearthing the struggles that shaped their present self. Those innocent scribblings of adolescence now serve as a powerful cipher, decoding the journey of the years gone by.

And while there’s a hint of personal nostalgia seeping through the verses, the music itself is nothing short of a crisp, punk-infused alt-rock anthem tailored for the present moment. Yet, within the triumvirate of thundering drums, pulsating basslines, and raw, slashing guitars, there’s an often-forgotten element that many in the rock scene tend to overlook—accessibility.

Sure, it may not exactly fit the bill for mainstream pop, much to our dismay, but it’s undeniably pop-savvy. Infectious, groove-laden, and rousing enough to make the listener want to punch the air or hit the dancefloor of a gritty rock club. And when it comes to Nikki Brady’s vocals, they strike the perfect balance between mainstream allure and unbridled rock vigor.

“Catch Me If I Fall” is more than a song. It is an anthem. A sonic event horizon for anyone who has walked through the darkness and danger and emerged older, wiser, and stronger, not in spite of the experience but because of it.

Hang tight, people; the light is out there.
