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Some things never change because some things don’t have to change. I’m not saying that to imply that Honeyvolt is just going through the motions, reinventing the wheel, or resting on their already impressive rock and roll laurels—anything but. However, what they do reminds us that the fundamentals of the genre have rightly been set in place for many a decade now.
Following from their debut single, “Red Moon Rising,” Honeyvolt further secures its position as new kids on the blues-rock block with “Break Me Down,” a groove and grind, slinky and sleazy salvo of all that is great about rock and roll – the sonic triptych of propulsive drums, driving bass lines and incendiary guitar riffs delivering all that is righteous about the spirit and the sound of the genre. And if the previous single powered through the musical landscape like a sonic tour de force, this one staggers and struts, dances and dazzles, moving through in a slightly lower gear, one more suited to its more poised and groovesome ways.
Honeyvolt understands that not all rock and roll has to be about volume and velocity. Sometimes, it pays to enjoy the ride rather than merely get to the sonic destination as quickly as possible. “Break Me Down “ is the sound of a band giving us something to savor by taking their time, offering up a song that we can get lost in, and setting us on a sonic journey that we never want to end.
Honeyvolt knows how to keep the listener engaged and coming back for more.