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The Big Takeover Issue #94
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Honeyvolt - Red Moon Rising (Honeyvolt Music LLC)

15 August 2024

Some would argue that there are only two sorts of music: the type you like and the type you don’t; anything else, such as genre, style, and the like, is just an unnecessary detail only to be argued over by teenage keyboard warriors on music message boards. But I would argue that there is a better way of separating music into two camps, the distinction being whether it is Apollonian or Dionysian.

The Apollonian sound is more cerebral and controlled, thoughtful and considered—the Dionysian, wild and ecstatic, raw and rebellious. So, in a world where bands as varied as Crowded House and The Beach Boys sit in the former camp, The Rolling Stones and The Doors the latter, Honeyvolt can be firmly added to the second list.

How do I know? I’ve just listened to their debut single, “Red Moon Rising,” a primal and powerful, shamanistic and seductive, melodic and muscular piece that gets to the heart of what rock and roll is really about. This three-piece (medically proven to be the best band form) takes the sort of grinding riffs and guitar salvos, the relentless and energizing back beats and driving bass lines that the likes of Creedence Clearwater Revival and Bad Company were experts at. By the time we hit the brief but blistering solos, it is, however, the oft-overlooked Burning Tree (remember them? No, go look them up; you’ll thank me later) that seemed the perfect reference.

Rock and roll isn’t dead; it just needed to return to its roots and remember where it came from. Reconnect, recharge and re-storm the musical barricades. “Red Moon Rising” is the sound of Honeyvolt doing just that.
