I tend to love music from Scandinavia. Whether it’s true Norwegian black metal, Turbonegro‘s death punk or the psychopathic onslaught of Brainbombs, I bask in its inebriated glory. Even the more straight-ahead MC5-style rock bands like Sons of Cyrus and Sahara Hotnights make my foot stomp and my fist raise in appreciation.
Unfortunately, Hostile Cell are none of the above. Their music is pop-metal aimed at chart-topping, and as such, is as bland as they come. You know the type – not too fast, not too technical, not dangerous at all, with vapid melodic sing-along choruses. Vocalist Martin Söderovist‘s bad Layne Staley impression doesn’t help much, either. This is the type of metal that wouldn’t scare your mother, so really, what’s the point?
Meshuggah they are not.