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The Big Takeover Issue #94
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indifferentMonKeY - Scream (DazyRecords)

24 January 2024

Like all the best music, “Scream” is a track that is hard to fit into a box, generically speaking, because indiffertMonKeY in general, makes music on the fringes of so many different sounds and styles, reminiscent of some, borrowing eclectic sonic shiny things to feather their musical nest but never really committing to any one sound or style. I mean, just look at their attitude towards using capital letters in their name. That, to a writer at least, speaks volumes.

As does their music, both literally and also figuratively speaking. Literally, because there are plenty of sonic highs and sky-searing crescendoes between the more considered and deliberate dynamic downturns. And figuratively, too, because any band willing to blend music from what would seem to be elements that don’t have much business hanging out together – tribal-dance rhythms, trip-hop progressions, vocal operatics, alt-rock riffs, overdriven dub bass lines, and, perhaps not surprisingly given their name, primitive, primate, primal screams – is a band you need to put on the ones to watch list.

“Scream” reminds me, to some degree, of the experimentation of the early post-punk days, when those disenfranchised outsiders, having crashed the barricades of the music industry, finally learned to play their instruments and started to make new types of music in the rubble of what had gone before.

Perhaps what we are witnessing here is a return to some sort year zero. Forget the embedded cliche of rock, the style over substance and cash till ring of pop and the cooler-than-thou aloofness of indie, this is the sound of the clock being reset (or thrown away altogether) and the slate being wiped clean. I, for one, can’t wait to see what indifferntMonKeY (my spell checker hates this format) and bands like them (if indeed there are any bands like them) do next!
