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Korda Korder - I Won't Live Like You Do (self-released)

12 March 2025

In any other, let’s say lesser, hands, such a declaration of independence and free-thinking, of not following the pack and walking your own path, would likely turn into a clumsy protest song, overegged and over-earnest. In the hands of Korda Korder, however, it becomes a sublime and soulful indie-pop anthem, one whistful and with a whiff of pathos.

Not for them the fist-in-the-air, reactionary “look at me, look at me” piece of bungled social commentary and sordid self-aggrandizement. “I Won’t Live Like You Do” is a sweet, smooth, and simple declaration of knowing who you are, what you want, and where you are going. Or at least of putting yourself in opposition of all the things that society says you should be.

It is subtle yet sweeping, ebbing and flowing between the elegant and the anthemic and pulsing with the air of 60s balladic nostalgia that you could imagine the likes of Dusty Springfield having a massive hit with back in the day.

The vocals are allowed to breathe and soar, to be the focal point, but around this, the sonics build from chiming understatement into driving guitars and beats that are simple and unfussy, which drive things on perfectly. And just when the crescendo seems at breaking point, when they have taken this seemingly simple song as far as it can go, it just fades away, its job done, leaving you to contemplate its meaning and, perhaps more importantly, its effect on your own life and outlook.

