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“Heaving” is a song built around delicacy and strangeness. Sonic shards and threads are woven together to make a pattern that is both beautiful and not quite right, which draws the listener into its beguiling and slightly off-beat world.
It is an approach put to good use by everyone from Kate Bush and Laurie Anderson to Sharon Van Etten and Aldous Harding, but just because I can find general reference points doesn’t mean that Lucy Kruger & The Lost Boys necessarily sound like them.
The thing with oddness, and I mean that in the most supportive and positive of ways, is that oddness is unique, and so, those artists mentioned (all female, I notice, make of that what you will) are merely companions on the sonic back roads and forgotten paths of music. The direction of travel may be similar, but the method of transport, i.e., the songs, are as different from one another as the artists are themselves.
“Heaving” is a glorious juxtaposition of shattered sonics and energetic pulses, swathes of space where atmospherics and anticipations are allowed to pool and percolate, and raw-edged washes of sound, cascading drum patterns, and shimmering sounds.
You may have heard something similar, but nothing quite as original and beguiling as this.
Heaving album pre-order
Burning Building
Order the single