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The Big Takeover Issue #94
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MatAre - Forever Light (self-released)

22 July 2024

Intentionally or otherwise, there is something going on in this new one from MatAre that reminds me of the more underground and more fulfilling end of the 80’s pop sound. Not that dumbed down and Dayglo-ed up chart nonsense that people will tell you the eighties sounded like, but that astute pop-rock blends that were found in a space between cult bands like Echo and the Bunnymen and House of Love and the more mainstream moves of the likes of Haircut 100.

If it is unintentional, then it means that MatAre has merely stumbled across the same deft blends and sonic magic that flavored such a formative indie scene. If intentional, we clearly share the same good tastes, not to mention a similar record collection.

“Forever Light” is the sound of dream-pop delicacy riding more driven indie urges while embracing the sort of accessibility that pop seems to have forgotten was once its own stock in trade. Guitars shimmer in scintillating arrays, spiral in tight sonic coils, or just lilt along in a lovely and slightly languid fashion. The beats are unfussy and brilliantly propulsive, and the vocals are cocooned in a slightly hazy frame.

And as much as I may have suggested that “Forever Light” feels as if it looks only to the past for inspiration and influence (perhaps, and only if you are old enough to get the sonic references, which is the joy of music cycles), it is very much the sound of the here and now and maybe even a rallying cry, a musical flag planted in the ground, for a better-sounding future for mainstream music. A sonic standard being raised for sonic standards to be raised!
