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The Big Takeover Issue #94
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Mercurius - Make A Difference (self-released)

13 January 2024

Many memorable bands contain siblings, from the Kinks to Dire Straights to Oasis and more, but it is harder to think of many bands comprising a father and son. If any spring to mind, jot them down and then add Mercurius to the list.

“Make A Difference” is my first taste of this multi-instrumental, in-house, and self-contained duo, and I have to say that I like it. I like it a lot. Here, they take the classic rock sound and mellow it out slightly, not so much that it loses its teeth, just enough to smooth the edges and polish the song. And while they are doing that, they blend in no small amount of pop awareness, again not in a gratuitous way but enough to make the song perfectly accessible, immediate, and infectious.

You might call this pop-rock, but such a term seems too light, to vague to describe what is happening here, especially when you get to the two-and-a-half-minute mark and that squalling, squealing, sky-searing guitar blows things wide open. Sure, it has pop addictions in spades, but it certainly avoids the light, fashion-driven disposable nature of the genre. Similarly, the rock threads, the deep tones and satisfying textures that it wraps around itself, are ones that avoid the bombast and bullishness that often comes with the territory.

With all due respect, the idea of a father and son band is not something that immediately screams “cool!” at you. But, on the strength of this exceedingly satisfying cut, cross-generational collaborations are the new sibling rivalry!
