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The Big Takeover Issue #94
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MUDD - Time Goes By (Nothing's Changed) (self-released)

8 August 2024

Cliches are all around us, and music, by and large, is happy to conform to them. Despite these supposedly enlightened and liberated times, we find ourselves in, this post-genre, throw-away-the-rulebook era that they say is the norm, it seems as if little has changed. Rock is still big, bombastic, and fuelled by bravado. Indie music is as self-absorbed as ever. Pop is more unrewarding than at any time in its existence, and most other genres are happy to follow the template that was laid down in some previous golden age. Far from being a brave new sonic world, this is one of plagiarism and plunder and pastiche and plenty of other things not necessarily beginning with p.

So, if genres have failed, all you can do is create your own sound and make a sort of Frankenstein’s monster from all your favorite sonic parts. After all, that is what MUDD seems to have done, and the results are superb.

“Time Goes By (Nothing’s Changed),” which could almost be a synopsis of what I wrote above, exists at a collision point of smart indie licks and bluesy passages, funky bass grooves and spacious beats, all flavored with some paisley-patterned psych-pop thanks, to a large degree, to the vocal harmonies that help lift, soften and polish everything wonderfully.

Indie? Yes, but so much more. The building blocks might be recognizable, but the sonic architecture that MUDD builds with them is a joy to behold.
