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The Big Takeover Issue #94
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Natalia Quest - Inversion (self-released)

22 January 2024

There is a fascinating sonic event horizon happening here, one that few bands ever find their way to, one where gothic tones, classical grace, symphonic grandeur, and metallic weight all wash up against each other. The result is music that is elegant and eloquent, poised and powerful, music that is both big and clever.

A lot of music made in such realms, those that lay beyond, beneath, and above rock and roll’s more mundane plane of existence, often deludes itself that velocity and volume, power, and overplaying are all that is needed to impress the public. But the public, most of them at least, are too smart to fall for such musical mendacities.

Music has to do more that put the foot on the gas for it to be considered truly epic and brilliantly anthemic. It has to sweep and dance with the rise and fall of dynamics, from lulling lows to sky-searing crescendos. It has to ebb and flow between extremes. It has to be robust, yes, but it needs poise too. It must sound like the soundtrack to another world, conjuring images beyond our familiar home. I’m happy to report that “Inversion” does all of this. All of this and more. (If you want to hear and better understand what is going on here musically, an instrumental version of the song is available, too.)

Natalia Quest is a builder of epic sonic worlds. It’s as simple as that.
