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The Big Takeover Issue #94
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Nick Hudson - For My Silence (TAOS Records)

18 January 2024

When Nick Hudson writes, the result is something multilayered, often profound and which goes way beyond what is needed to fulfil the requirements of something merely labelled a song. If your idea of pop, for want of a better term, is a transient experience built from lovely melody and some nice words, then “For My Silence” will feel like high art in that realm of throw-away fashion.

Ebbing and flowing between beat-driven energy and almost invisible sonics, it is gentle yet powerful, honest but majestic, deft, delicate, and hauntingly beautiful music.

But it is the lyrics that hold you spellbound. “For My Silence” is a deep and honest musing about relationships, specifically with those who stand by and watch us make our poor choices in life, look on in silence as we head down the wrong paths, and who are still there for us when we realize our mistakes and need someone to turn to. True friends. Real family. The song is an open apology to those who always cared, whether we knew it at the time or not.

This is the first offering from Nick’s new album to follow, Kanda Teenage Honey, which was mainly recorded in Georgia with local musicians in a vast former Soviet movie studio. The nearby Ukraine War and these ex-Soviet states’ dark history may just echo in the power and pathos of the music being made.

It is a gorgeous and heartbreaking first release and a perfect reminder that anything Nick does is something that you need to check out, immerse yourself in, think about, and, hopefully, learn something from.

Kanda Teenage Honey album order
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