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The Big Takeover Issue #94
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Paul Marotto - Anthem for the Forgotten (2761011 Records DK)

11 January 2024

Many artists claim to write songs that are honest and from the heart. Others say that music is an outlet for them to express emotions and moods, thoughts and concerns that they might not otherwise be able to bring up in everyday conversation. And, on a slightly different tangent, many artists also state that their musical influences are garnered from a wide range of sources.

There are indeed artists for whom some of that, at least in part, might be true, but never has all of those aspects been present so clearly, openly, and so obviously than in the music of Paul Marotto. Here is an artist who has always been open about his struggles with depression and addiction, and “Anthem for the Forgotten” is a torch song for anyone also fighting with their demons. As the title tells us, it’s an open letter to those left behind, forgotten and overlooked by society and relationships, friends and even family, and a torch song and rallying point for fellow sufferers.

And musically, it comes from an interesting place, starting with some dark, neo-classical tones before spacious beats help pick up the pace ushering in squalling sonics and cavernous guitars which then take over, dragging the song kicking and screaming into a more post-rock place. It is as if someone like Chopin was just starting today, and instead of taking the classical path, had joined a band that had grown up listening to Radiohead. Imagine that.

But what comes through most is the heart-on-the-sleeve honesty, the sheer vulnerability, and the bravery in Paul baring his soul to anyone who cares to listen. Many artists talk about being honest in their songs, and many are, to some degree, but in the scheme of things, this song is the musical equivalent of open-heart surgery…. done without anesthetic or pain relief!

Brutal, beautiful, and brilliant.
