If previous singles such as “Wasted” and “Open My Eyes” showed us what Poison Oak can do when they choose a more pop-punk or college rock route, respectively, “Tell Me” sees them heading down an altogether different path. You can’t say that this isn’t a band that likes to explore its own musical boundaries.
While it is a song built on slashes of raw guitar and mid-tempo rock grooves, overall, things have a more indie feel. In fact, by the time the vocals spiral upwards towards some heavenly higher registers and masterful sonics, there is a touch of Suede about them, a band that always stood at the pinnacle of indie music.
Poison Oak has always been great at exploring any number of genres—pop, rock, indie—and incorporating those into their quintessential sound. It is a great skill to be able to dance lightfooted along such demarcations and through myriad pastures and turn the best bits of each to their own will without being beholden to the genre.
It doesn’t matter which genre you find Poison Oak steering a course through; they never sound like anything other than Poison Oak. In short, this is a band that knows exactly who they are and where they are going, sonically speaking.