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The Big Takeover Issue #94
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Sacha Mullin - Casino Wilderness Period (Dog & Pony Records)

21 October 2023

When a song can begin in the realm of George Michael and then veer into the territory once owned by the late, great Jeff Buckley, you know you’ve stumbled upon an artist worthy of deeper exploration. So here I sit, immersed in “Arranging Flowers,” the opening track of Sacha Mullin’s upcoming album, Casino Wilderness Period, spinning it on repeat. And while such a mesmerizing opener might prompt the more sceptical among us to toss around words like “front-loaded” and phrases like “putting your best foot forward,” any such notions are swiftly dispelled upon delving into the rest of the album.

As exquisite as this initial sonic overture is, it’s merely a teaser of what’s to come, a sumptuous and sophisticated teaser, granted, but just the first taste of this delectable musical feast.

Casino Wilderness Period serves as a dazzling showcase for Sacha Mullin’s versatility, not just in terms of the vocal range he effortlessly covers but also in the varied sounds and styles that grace the tracks here. “Thanks” rides on a deliciously funky groove, propelled by intricate drum patterns and drenched in heavenly harmonies. “Margaret” sprawls spaciously, providing the perfect canvas to frame his vocal prowess, while “Telepathy” emerges as an alt-pop gem, propelled by soulful licks and an insistent restlessness that propels the entire affair forward.

If pop tickles your fancy, then this album marks its glorious coming of age. If you lean toward more robust musical forms, even in its quieter, more understated moments, this album is a treasure trove of power, poise and poignancy. And if you crave something that sets your feet moving but refuses to conform to any of the usual dance music clichés, well, look no further. Soul enthusiasts will relish the velvety smoothness, and, to be honest, any discerning music aficionado, no matter where their comfort zones may lie, will find plenty to revel in here. In fact, I’d venture to say there isn’t a corner of the music-consuming public that won’t find something to adore in this album, and that’s a rare and splendid gift indeed.

Casino Wilderness Period is out on 3rd November

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