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Saint Blasphemer, an alternative group from Santa Ana, California, have recently released their latest EP entitled Theotokos. A follow-up to last year’s debut, Simon Templar, there’s a strong alt-metal core that is integral to their sound and the new EP sounds in many ways the identical twin of its predecessor. However, other more melodic influences infiltrate the record as well that are necessary to understand the band’s origins—influences most metal-heads wouldn’t be caught dead listening to, including the progressive ambiance of Peter Gabriel. The stylings of Nirvana and Tool nevertheless remain the crux of Saint Blasphemer’s focus.
One should hesitate in calling Theotokos a concept record, but drug addiction and how it effects both the user and those around them is a theme that repeats on many of the songs. This and feelings of alienation and depression are represented in a very personal and intimate manner of songwriting that is at once both harrowing and comforting. The band’s own philosophy is best represented by the rhetorical question, “Remember when you were a kid, how a song could make you feel like you weren’t the only one going through something?” While a song like “Low” may be an outright condemnation of drug use, it and the rest of Theotokos are uniquely sympathetic in their assessment of the lifestyle.