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The Big Takeover Issue #94
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SAMSARA. - how do you say my name? (self-released)

18 July 2024

Having negotiated the many, many tricks and traps of capitalization and strange use of grammar that seem to be part and parcel of a SAMSARA. release (my spellchecker hates that inexplicable full stop, sorry, period), I found myself faced with a much more straight-forward song than I expected. Given the complexities of even the title, I thought I might be faced with some strange post-rock manifestation or grinding metal salvo. Imagine my delight when “how do you say my name?” (capitalization boys, capitalization) turned out to be a rather great, hard-nosed indie track, well, indie shot through with heavier rock anthemics and shimmering pop accessibility, dark vibes and grand sonic visions.)

But that is the modern world for you, the post-genre world that many of us fought so hard for. (For my own part, I would wear Porcupine Tree t-shirts to punk gigs as a sort of olive branch and didn’t always get beaten up!) It is a world that SAMSARA. (Arrggghh) fully embrace, blending rock grooves with indie moves, surrounding both with chiming, post-punk arrays of guitar and the sort of cool, emploring, world-weary vocals that seem to bridge a gap, nay, a chasm between the land of grunge and the world of metal.

I’m not sure what I expected, but what I found here went beyond. It’s big, it’s clever, it’s intimate, it’s anthemic, all at once. It almost justifies their cavalier attitude to the titular grammar. Almost.
