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The Big Takeover Issue #94
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Seasonal Falls - Reach For Nearby (self-released)

23 November 2023

There is something wonderfully appealing to be found in this debut release from Seasonal Falls. Something that goes against the grain of the modern world, something considered and sensible, understated and honest. In a world where we celebrate celebrity and popularity, chase likes and followers, worship winners and ambition, and treat influencers like minor gods, it is refreshing to stumble across a song that says it’s okay to live within your means, that you don’t have to reach for the sky, not if you don’t want. It’s okay to live an everyday life and to have modest goals; it’s okay to pursue those things within easy and attainable reach. Finally, someone that I can relate to. Someone who remembers that contentment more often comes through the pursuit of peace and tranquility, rather than by chasing fame and fortune. As it says in the good book, Instagram is the root of all evil. Or something like that, I haven’t read it properly.

And musically, Seasonal Falls matches that understated message with deliciously deft and delicate music. A rhythmic acoustic guitar with just enough riffs and motifs scattered through, the distant tattoo of a quiet snare drum, the occasional cascade of gentle piano, and the soft and serene voice of Andrew Pelletier, who along with Roman Gabriel makes up the band.

I love it, finally a dash of reality in a world of hyperbole, a sensible voice in this squall of sensationalism that is many’s current perception of the world. They are not saying that you shouldn’t aim high if that’s your style, but they is saying that it isn’t for them. If you aim high and fail, the disappointment can be devastating. So why not opt for more achievable goals? After all, doesn’t the analogy go something like this – if you are content to live off even the lowest-hanging fruit, can’t you still sustain yourself perfectly well and with minimal effort?
