It seems that I catch the exotically named Smooth Retsina Glow at a bit of a transition point, seeing them move away from their earlier indie-rock sound and head into a broader and more eclectic sonic realm. Although, if you were to be asked to fit the band into a broad genre, it would still be their rock roots that define them more than anything else. But on this album, Through The Needle’s Eye, it is the array of other genres that they also weave through their music – sophisticated soul, gentle funk grooves, ethereal dreamscapes, pop accessibility – that make for a richer sonic tapestry.
And so, Through The Needle’s Eye is a patchwork of rock-infused sonics, all similar enough that each track complements each other, yet adventurous enough that they test the boundaries. It’s like rock music grew up and decided to see the world.
If funk-fuelled opener “Against The Odds” adds some much-needed swagger to the rock format, then songs such as “Lockstep” prove that the band is at home with smooth neo-soul as it is the more traditional rock sound. “Mayleen” is an old-school, country rock boogie, “Feigning Grace” is infused with classic soul sounds, and the title track sounds like Lou Reed discovering nu-metal!
It’s an album that covers a lot of ground, hops numerous generic boundaries, travels through pastures new, and wilfully mixes and matches and melds, and remolds all manner of musical forms.
Isn’t that what all bands should be doing with their music? Isn’t this how things move forward?