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The Big Takeover Issue #94
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Taylor Kelly - Take Me (self-released)

16 May 2024

Some music is all about a sound or style. Some is looking for a direct line of communication with the listener. Some opts for bombast and big sounds. Some tries to be clever, too clever, overloading the senses with too much sonic showboating. Thankfully, this is not one of those times.

“Take Me,” the new one from Taylor Kelly is all about vibe rather than vigour; it is about melody rather than muscle, and it is about seduction rather than sass. It is a song built on understatement. And understatment is a thing that she does so well, and this is the proof.

Because of this, it is a hard song to pin down generically, which is always a good sign. Sure, it draws around it all manner of jazz moves and soul grooves, gentle funk ebbs, and accessible pop flows, but to be any more definite than that would be to create demarcations where none need to exist. It’s just music. Again, why not? Music is not a thing to be pigeonholed and tagged; it is a thing of expression that should run rough-shod over expectations and rules, genre, and what has gone before.

And “Take Me” does all that. Yes, you will recognise the various sonic elements, but the way that they are assembled here is the charm. Taylor Kelly’s voice then seems happy to merely float across the top of this sonic sway, never forcing the sound or overplaying her sonic hand.

Less is more? Yes, it is.

Take Me single