There is a simple trick at work in the sound that The Links make, something so simple you wonder why it isn’t used more often. For whilst the song is, initially at least, built on the seductive tones and hazy textures that any fan of shoegaze will be familiar with, the vocals, far from being set low down in the mix to create the genre’s trademark voice-as-instrument sound, soar confidently and clearly over the top.
The result is the best of both worlds: a dreamscape sound and crisp yet perfectly relaxed vocals. As the song gains some sonic weight, just around the halfway point, Jack Morrison’s vocals are ideally placed to shift up a gear or three to match this new intensity, something he does seemingly effortlessly.
There is something of the first years of the 21st century about “Elvira,” the song sounds like it would fit easily into a playlist of the time, perhaps sandwiched between the likes of Interpol and Hard-Fi. That said, there is as much fresh here as there is familiar, and so, whilst referencing such iconic bands, their’s is a sound that is perfect for the music market of 2025.
Dream-rock for the modern era!