Folk, country, and their sonic offspring, such as Americana, have always been great storytelling forms. Other genres might choose to wax poetic or get all philosophical, get all punchy or pouty, but the genres derived from what is broadly called roots music have always loved their narrative form. This is because telling tales and delivering the news, if in a slightly dramatic and mythologised form, is how such musical styles began life.
In keeping with such a tradition, “Nothing Ever Goes Away” is a tale of a young family facing crippling debt; small moments of hope stand out like oases in a desert of darkness and depression. No matter how hard they try to get out of this financial maelstrom and everything that this ill wind blows in with it, they are sucked deeper and deeper in. As the song says, nothing ever goes away. And it is certainly a relatable tale, not just in The Muster Point Project’s Canadian homeland but worldwide.
The fact that this cool blend of North American flavoured rock tempered with the aforementioned rootsy honesty puts me in mind of artists such as Wilco and Steve Earle can only be a good thing: the same ease and accessibility, the same deft songwriting chops, attention to detail and infectiousness. But more than that, “Nothing Ever Goes Away” has a real sense of place, for whilst the story is of worldwide relevance, the sonics are pure Americana, albeit in the broadest sense of the meaning.