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Sometimes, the most ordinary items can become the most poignant reminders of the essential aspects of life’s brief journey. And that is an idea brilliantly on display in “Old Black Suit,” the new single from The Muster Point Project. Main Muster man Kevin Franco is a master at observing and capturing the stuff of life in his lyrics and doing so in a relatable and poignant way. Here, his use of imagery says so much in such an understated way.
The “Old Black Suit” of the title is the one that used to remind him of his formative days, of carefree social engagements, of “toasting the town” and living the high life with his friends. Now, that same suit is the one reserved for funerals as one by one, the old friends disappear and old memories fade. There is a brilliant line where he says of the titular suit, “Just like life itself, it was not made to last.” And there, in a nutshell, is the heart of the song…poignant, powerful and profound.
As always, The Muster Point Project let this idea dance on a sea of shimmering, folk-infused Americana, a series of spiraling picked guitars, melodic basslines, incendiary bluesy solos full of grace and groove, and astutely tailored and eminently tasteful drum patterns.
This is how you cut to the chase, make the point fairly concisely, and let the listener join the dots for themselves. Such a simple image. Such a complex web of emotions. Such a great sound. Such a brilliant song.