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The Big Takeover Issue #94
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The Noise Who Runs - One Scratch Each (TNWR Records)

23 October 2023

Within the sonic tapestry that defines The Noise Who Runs, a captivating interplay between the rough-hewn contours of the guitar’s abrasive resonance and the fluid, groove-laden currents of their electronic undercurrents has always been at the band’s heart. With their latest offering, “One Scratch Each,” it is the latter that does the lion’s share of the work on their latest song. And if the music is pared down to a pulsing vital essence, then their lyrics are even more so.

The inaugural single from their upcoming EP, come and join the beautiful army, slated for release on November 22nd—a title extracted from the very depths of this composition—casts a melancholic, brooding spell, cloaked in a minimalist veil that serves as the perfect vessel for the ebb and flow of enigmatic sounds and cryptic dynamics.

True to form, even within the sparse lyrical confines, a profound, resonant message unfurls. The call to join the aforementioned beautiful army is more than a mere invitation; it’s a call to arms, a call to stand against the relentless cacophony of consumerist obsession, the cult of popularity, and the fervor of celebrity worship. It beckons to an army of dissenters and visionaries, those unyielding souls who refuse to adhere to the rules of engagement laid down by the powers that be—the politicians, the CEOs, and the influencers. And an army of deserters and visionaries who have been shellshocked from their complacency into opening their own eyes, lifting the veil, and looking beyond.

It is Ian Pickering’s deft interplay of optimism and cynicism that strikes a chord, a delicate balance between the two that embodies an honesty and integrity sorely lacking in these turbulent times.

As a harbinger of what awaits within the depths of the forthcoming EP, I must confess I’ve been ensnared. I, for one, am eagerly anticipating the unveiling of further sonic delights and lyrical revelations concealed within its depths. The allure of this sonic voyage is irresistible, promising a revelation that goes beyond mere auditory pleasure. Music that makes you feel but also think. How cool is that?

Apple Music
Preteretrospective LP