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Space! It holds a fascination for music makers, judging by the number of songs there are dedicated to this final front ear and the act of boldly going where Norman has gone before. Bowie both floated through it in a tin can and claimed to be from it. Sinatra flew to our most local heavenly object. Europe counted us down, and even The Rolling Stones managed to find themselves “2000 Light Years From Home.” (Don’t you hate it when that happens?)
Now, Milwaukee’s eclectic duo, The Pulltops find themselves calling for help from those at “Mission Control”. But, unlike most of those stellar artistes mentioned above, their call for cosmic guidance is a metaphorical one, and their pleas are actually for help finding their way through the chaos and clamor of the real world, which at times can seem every bit as unfathomable and isolating as the deepest reaches of space.
And musically, they are, as always, following their own sonic path, blending raw indie grooves with alt-country twangs, a mid-paced and powerful song, one that brings its impact to bear on the listener via staccato, loud/quiet sonic salvos and anthemic heights, rather than just relying on the volume and velocity of most guitar-wielding bands. What a blast!
Here, The Pulltops are out of this world, proving once again that they can transcend the mundane realms of genre and sonic expectation while the rest of the competition is still pulling its space boots on.