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The Big Takeover Issue #94
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The Ultra Violets - Castle of Vezio (self-released)

20 June 2024

Following on from the critically praised and fan favourite recent singles “Sex” and “(She Don’t Smell Like ) Roses,” The Ultra Violets go three for three in the near-perfect indie anthem stakes with “The Castle of Vezio.” There is much to love here, and although the band are a thoroughly modern, forward-thinking, look-to-the-future sort of indie band, like all great bands, and on the strength of these recent sonic offerings, that is precisely the right word for them, they have learned from the past.

“Castle of Vezio” does what all the best singles of the ’60s did: It gets to the chorus, the memorable hook of the song, as quickly as possible. Verses might be great to set the scene, but when the chorus hits, the song really goes stratospheric. Well, it is the way that these guys do it.

And lyrically, it follows a simple rule, too. Why be deep and meaningful, clever or philosophical, when being infectious and accessible is enough? It’s a pop song, for pity’s sake (and almost everything is pop at the end of the day, to some degree). No one wants a proposition from Wittgenstein when they can have an anthemic and poetic song about living in the moment.

When you want that, you need to have The Ultra Violets in general and “Castle of Vezio” in particular, on speed dial.
