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The Big Takeover Issue #95
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Three Sixes - Unflawed (Universal Sign Records)

30 January 2025

Wow, that’s quite an intense beast of a song! Three Sixes exist at a point where metal tips over into something that goes beyond the mere merging of muscle and melody but instead pushes outwards in all directions – sonically deeper, more heightened, heavier, faster, fuller, more… well, just more everything. If metal is hard rock squared, “Unflawed,” their latest opus, is metal cubed!

But this isn’t just noise and velocity for the sake of it. What Three Sixes do so well is recall those early metal bands, that transitional sound that bridged 70’s rock and a more modern, more intense experience, and merge the two. And then they proceed to add weight, intensity, drive. They retain a defined structure and melody (something often lost it the rush of some bands to look big and macho); their riffs have form rather than just frenzy; their beat patterns are propulsive instead of merely pounding; bass lines are depth-charge heavy, not just simply raucous; their vocals remain this side of the incoherent screamo form and also merge with the groove…yes, groove is the right word…of the song.

And when the guitars go for the solo, something almost bluesy comes through alongside the more technical aspects, creative rather than the “how-fast-can-I-play” approach that modern metal has succumbed to.

I must confess, I’m not much of a metal fan, not these days, but if more of it sounded like this, I’m sure I would find myself heading back to its embrace.
