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The Big Takeover Issue #94
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Matthew Berlyant: May 1, 2011

Oh Bondage, Up Yours!

This week’s list is a tribute to the late, great Poly Styrene, who passed away earlier this week from complications due to breast cancer at the age of 53. Admittedly, I don’t know her solo material nor have I heard the record that X-Ray Spex did in the mid ’90s, so this will consist mostly of material from Germ Free Adolescents, one of the finest UK punk albums of all-time, and the singles that they cut during their initial run.

  1. X-Ray Spex – “Oh Bondage, Up Yours”

  2. X-Ray Spex – “I Live Off of You”

  3. X-Ray Spex – “Plastic Bag”

  4. X-Ray Spex – “Genetic Engineering”

  5. X-Ray Spex – “Germ Free Adolescents”

  6. X-Ray Spex – “Identity”

  7. X-Ray Spex – “Warrior in Woolworths”

  8. X-Ray Spex – “The Day The World Turned Dayglo”

  9. X-Ray Spex – “I Can’t Do Anything”

  10. Mari Elliott – “Silly Billy”