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Album Premiere: Planes by Soft Pyramids

Soft Pyramids; Photo Credit: Kunle Space Future
26 October 2016

Soft Pyramids; Photo Credit: Kunle Space Future

Boston’s Soft Pyramids were going for a different feel after 2014’s Fossils of the Free World and they certainly did it with their sophomore effort Planes, which takes off this Friday. Where Fossils was a heavily thought out, choreographed affair, the band members flew with more freedom on Planes, writing many of the songs on the spot in the studio. The end result is one of the better long-distance driving records that can be heard this year. You can envision the windmill farms whizzing past you in rural Indiana as the album opener “Paper Houses” plays. And it only gets better from there.

On rocker “The Messenger,” singer and guitarist Dwight Hutchenson says, “I don’t usually write story songs, and this is about as close as I’ll get. It’s a Rust Belt tragedy that takes place in the old time. You end up somewhere different than you thought you’d be, and wish you could start over. Musically, it began as a straight-ahead, open-G rocker, but it ended up taking on a foreboding quality, and that definitely informed the lyric-writing process.”

Check out “Paper Houses”, “The Messenger”, and the rest of Planes in our exclusive stream. You can pre-order the album now through Bandcamp
